Keeper of Divergent Timelines.'' Feats now. Some Quotes of Power ''All of time is as one to me. Trigon can grow to the size of a skyscraper and is shown being at least three times bigger than the Teen Titans Tower. He can project energy capable of transmuting objects and telekinesis. Trigon has absorbed the souls of millions of worlds and stated he was forced to absorb the souls of his own universe as well. He possesses mind control to possess hundreds of people and powerful champions. He possesses the ability to project powerful eldritch blasts from his eyes. He can distort the fabric of reality on a cosmic scale. He has reshaped entire planets and turned all of earths inhabitants into stone. Can create, destroy, change, and alter reality just by thinking about it. Trigon has strong telekinesis capable of manipulating the fundamental forces of the universe, manipulating reality, manipulate and distort the space-time continuum, and manipulate matter on a sub-atomic level. Trigon was easily able to conquer an alternate earth and slay most of its heroes. The violence of a universe boils inside of him, he also absorbed the souls of a whole universe. While in his own dimension he defeats the Teen Titans and Justice League. Trigon tore an entire universe asunder (into pieces). Also since Emperor Joker with Mxyzptlk's powers did things like threaten all universes in existence that easily makes Mxyzptlk multiversal in power. His higher end feats include destroying a dimension as a part of a game and pulling a universe out of his hat.
#Parallax dc comics skin
He has done the following merges Batman and Superman into a composite being, makes a scab of skin turn into a monster that can punch Superman through a building, freezes time, hovers over the multiverse, screws with people by granting them wishes making a penny super large and buildings walk, recreates Doomsday Superman level being, messes with speech bubbles, erases Superman's ability to fly, creates a giant typewriter, turns the world into a cartoon, becomes a character in a film, creates a giant mushroom to catch a plane, making someone float, making footballs attack the players, gives a man the head of a horse, turns water to jelly, etc. And also it was something like a star that was once part of a constellation but has moved out of formation and to me the constellation was the Corps and the star is Hal.The nigh omnipotent imp with massive reality warping powers to do almost whatever he wishes. Like, it means a different point of view and I though Hal's got a different point of view of the Corps now, and how the Guardians have treated them. Parallax! It had different meanings but they all related to our concept.

I mean, I'm literally going through the dictionary and. I thought maybe I could get something that sound like Protector. So I said 'let me come up with a costume and a name and see what you think.' I gave them the Parallax armor and the name. The Protector? I asked them 'so tell me this, who is he protecting?' They just liked the name. They wanted to give him a slightly different outfit and call him The Protector. So they knew they wanted Hal to change and wanted his power to become internalized. It might be a dead link now), Banks explained. From an old interview with 4-Color Comics (I can't find the link anymore.